
Showing posts from June, 2017

"FireBall" Adware massive hits

Adware that infects your computer to display pop-ups is an annoyance. But when it infects as many as one in five networks in the world, and hides the capability to do far more serious damage to its victims. The security firm Check Point has count 250 million PCs infected with malicious code they've called Fireball, designed to hijack browsers to change the default search engine, and track their web traffic on behalf of a Beijing-based digital marketing firm called Rafotech. It also says it found that the malware also has the ability to remotely run any code on the victim's machine, or download new malicious files. It's potentially serious malware, disguised as something more trivial. "A quarter-billion computers could very easily become victims of real malware," says Maya Horowitz, the head of Check Point research team. "It installs a backdoor into all these computers that can be very, very easily exploited in the hands of the Chinese people behind ...

Worrid about WannaCry, Forget it "SambaCry Flaws" to hack Linux

SambaCry Flaws A seven year old critical remote code execution vulnerability ( CVE 2017-7494 ) in Samba networking software that allows a remote hacker to take full control of a vulnerable Linux and Unix machines has recently been discovered. R esearchers predicted that the SambaCry Flaw based attacks also have potential to spread just like  WannaCry ransomware  widely.   Kaspersky Lab  have captured a malware campaign that is exploiting SambaCry vulnerability to infect Linux computers with cryptocurrency mining software. After compromising the vulnerable machines using SambaCry vulnerability flaw, attackers execute two payloads on the targeted systems, as: — A reverse-shell that provides remote access to the attackers. — A backdoor that includes cryptocurrency mining utilities such as CPUminer. "Through the reverse-shell left in the system, the attackers can change the configuration of a miner already running or infect the vi...

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